Order a Mother’s Day card AND support Choices mums

Happy International Women’s Day!

This year, it’s even easier to celebrate the women in your life by ordering a beautiful Choices Mother’s Day card to send to your mum, or indeed any woman you’d like to celebrate. 

So, how does it work?

Make a donation of at least £5 and we will post out a card to someone you love. So you can celebrate your mum (or whoever you want to celebrate), knowing that you‘re supporting a mum who needs a bit of extra support. 

We have provided baby clothes and equipment for hundreds of mums over the past year who are struggling to pay for the essentials they need for their new babies and young children. Many new mums are really benefitting from befriending with a volunteer befriender from Choices once a week. We want to celebrate these mums this year for Mother’s Day – please join us by making a donation and supporting our parenting support service. 

We can either post the card to you or you can provide us with the address and we will post it on your behalf.

Order your card by midday on the 10th of March to have the best chance of it arriving in time for Mother's Day!


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